Years in the business

Parent of four companies

Offices in two countries

Market Leader for AODD Pumps

Year One:
The first company Diaphragm Pumps Ltd was formed in 1998, specialising in Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) Pumps. This company is still the largest in the group and currently the largest supplier of AODD in the UK. It has maintained its niche in the pump market by focusing solely on this technology.
Year Nine:
In 2007 the opportunity to buy another company appeared. Aroplus (UK) Ltd was and still largest pump distributor in the UK. This acquisition reinforced our place as the largest supplier of AODD Pumps in Europe. Along with the Pumps the acquisition of Aroplus (UK) Ltd also gave us access to ARO Piston Pumps, Boge Compressors and Air Tools.

Year Eleven to Year Seventeen:
2 years on and we had a Diaphragm Pumps Office in Dublin, Ireland and 6 years after that Diaphragm Pumps Inc, based in Florida USA. The need to support each area of the business financially and with manpower was obvious and the DP Group of Companies was born. Not standing still, DPGOC recently started Aroplus (Sct) Ltd based in Aberdeen. Specifically to support the Offshore Oil & Gas and marine markets.
Year Eighteen:
In 2016 DPGOC acquired Dropout Technology Ltd, adding another product with synergy to the core product range.

Still Owned and run by the founders and their families the DP Group continues to grow and support their ever growing list of satisfied customers..